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Animal Information and Wildlife Management
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Raccoons: Raccoons are one of the most commonly dealt with nuisance animal species here in central Florida. They are very capable and adaptable
creatures, and I consider them very intelligent and talented. They have very nimble hands, they are very strong, and they are excellent climbers. For these reasons, they commonly break into houses,
where they like to live, raise young, and steal food. Many raccoons have no fear of people (or dogs), and thus commonly come into conflict with humans in urban settings. |
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Squirrels: Possibly the "classic" and most common nuisance species throughout North America, and Florida is no exception. The Eastern Gray Squirrel
is incredibly agile and simply loves to live inside the attics of people's homes, and will chew its way inside. Squirrels have two litters of young per year, and prefer to raise them in a safe place,
such as your attic. Once inside, these rodents, like all rodents, will often chew on wood and wires, not to mention the noise they make running around up there. |
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Opossums: Possums are everywhere in Florida. These marsupials are usually gentle and slow. However, several aspects of their behavior bring them
into conflict with people. First of all, as scavengers, they frequently get into people's pet food and garbage. Secondly, they frequently enter attics here in Florida - and once inside, they really
make a mess! Third, they don't live very long, and they seem to prefer to die inside an attic or wall or under a house, so they are my most common carcass removal. |
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Armadillos: Armadillos are unusual creatures, and like all of the animals on this list, they don't mean any harm and are usually gentle, but they
have a real digging habit, and this often causes conflicts with people. Armadillos frequently choose to make a burrow next to or under a home or other cover, such as an AC unit or oil tank. They also
dig under sidewalks, sheds, decks, you name it. They dig worms and grubs out of the ground, and can often wreck a person's nice landscaping while in search of food. |
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Rats: Rats are probably the single most commonly dealt with nuisance animal here in Florida. The Roof Rat (rattus rattus), also known as the Citrus
Rat here in FL, invades any home with any small opening leading inside. They usually enter merely for warmth and shelter, but also for food. Once inside, they make a lot of scurrying and scratching
noises, but they also chew on wires, defecate and urinate everywhere, and often enter the home and raid the pantry. They are nocturnal, and amazingly fast and agile. |
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Moles: The Eastern Mole is common in Florida yards. They are subterranian, and dig a network of tunnels and even chambers underground. They dig
through the soil with their powerful claws, and people often object to the surface tunnels that they create - including the numerous feeding tunnels that they dig while searching out earthworms, grubs,
and other insects. I don't consider the mole an important pest species, because the damage is not severe, and they don't pose any health risks. |
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Birds: The most common pest bird in the wildlife control industry is the pigeon, as seen to the left. Pigeons are common in urban areas, and live
very well in conjunction with people. They often roost in public areas, such as on building ledges, beams, and store signs. They also frequently live in attics, and I often deal with groups of pigeons
living in the attics of homes, condos, and apartment buildings. The problems are the usual with nuisance animals - noise, and a whole lot of unsightly and unsanitary excrement. |
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Bats: Bats are amazing creatures, and are my favorite animals to deal with. Many superstitions and misconceptions surround this peaceful and beneficial
animal. The nuisance bats that I deal with are always colonizing bats - usually a maternity group of females, roosting together in a large group inside a building. Even though the animals are good for
insect control, they can form huge groups, and cause significant noise and especially odor problems with their thousands of droppings and gallons of urine. |
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Snakes: Florida is home to perhaps 45 species of snakes, and most of them are completely harmless. Central Florida has four species of venomous snake -
the Eastern Diamondback Rattler, the Pigmy Rattler, the Cottonmouth, and the Coral Snake. These snakes are not terribly common, and the simple way to avoid conflict is to stay away when you see one of these
species. The rest should be enjoyed and admired, or at least not treated with fear and disdain. The general rule for any snake: just leave it alone! |
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Dead Animals: It's a fact of life - death. Of wild animals, in your home or on your property. Every animal on this list eventually dies, and when they
do, decay and odor is usually the case. If the animal happens to take its last breath inside your house, get ready for a tremendous odor within. The most common dead animals that I extract from homes are
rats and opossums. Both of these animals have short life spans and a knack for getting inside of buildings. Dead carcass removal is a necessary part of wildlife management. |
The above are the main species involved in Florida wildlife management. There are other animals as well, of course, such as alligators, black bears, wild boar, flying squirrels, gophers, mice, fox & coyote, stray cats,
exotics and more, but I the above animals account for most of the nuisance wildlife control calls. As a state licensed wildlife trapper, I can handle all of the above pictured animals, but I do not handle alligators
or black bears, or any animal under special regulation by the state of Florida Wildlife and Conservation Commission. Nor will they, or any city or county agency, such as the county animal services, handle a private
residence problem with wildlife. If you hear those scurrying and scratching noises in your attic, you must hire a professional wildlife management company such as mine to handle your problem - believe me, it's usually
very detail-oriented work, the kind that requires a great deal of special knowledge and tools, and is best left to a professional. Just give me a call if you want to talk about your animal problem, and I'll be able to
explain a solution and provide a price quote over the phone, and make a quick, usually same or next-day appointment.
I operate a professional wildlife removal business in Orlando Florida. It is not a pest control or extermination company, nor is it the county animal control. It is a privately owned nuisance critter and wildlife
control business. For more company information, just browse this site or give me a phone call, 24/7. If you do not live in Orlando, perhaps you live in one of the following cities, where I have friends who operate their own
wildlife removal busiensses: Portland Wildlife Control |
Seattle Wildlife Control |
Chicago Wildlife Control |
Phoenix Wildlife Control |
Houston Wildlife Control |
Dallas Wildlife Control |
Denver Wildlife Control |
Atlanta Wildlife Control |
Long Island Wildlife Control |
Los Angeles Wildlife Control |
San Diego Wildlife Control |
Sacramento Wildlife Control |
Baltimore Wildlife Control |
Minneapolis Wildlife Control |
Tucson Wildlife Control |
Charlotte Wildlife Control |
San Antonio Wildlife Control |
Philadelphia Wildlife Control |
Indianapolis Wildlife Control |
Boston Wildlife Control |
New Jersey Animal Control
Wildlife information and education:
How to remove bat feces from concrete
Bat urine removal and urine stain removal
How to get rid of birds in the attic
How big do groundhogs get?
What attracts mice?
Do rodents chew pex or other water pipes?
How big do mice get?
What should I do with an opossum after I catch it?
How to get rid of opossums in the attic
What attracts opossums?
Should I feed a baby opossum I found?
What should I do if I find a nest of baby opossums?
Is it safe to handle an opossum with bare hands?
What is the best bait to trap an opossum?
Will the city or county animal services help me with an opossum issue?
What kind of damage do opossums cause in an attic or under a house?
Is an opossum that is active during the daytime sick or rabid?
How to find and remove a dead opossum
What diseases do opossums carry?
How to get rid of rodents in the attic
Are opossums dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
Do possums hiss?
Do possums hibernate?
Do possums climb trees or live in trees?
Do possums climb well?
Do possums dig holes or burrow underground?
Do possums attack cats, dogs, or other pets?
What if you are bitten by an opossum?
What are some ways to kill an opossum in the yard?
What are some humane ways to kill an opossum in a cage?
Should I hire a pro, or remove opossums myself?
Do opossums make good pets?
How to keep opossums out of my garden
How to keep opossums out of my garbage cans
Is opossum feces dangerous to touch or breathe?
How to use one-way exclusion funnels to remove opossums without trapping them
What diseases do skunks carry?
What is a skunk’s natural diet, and how does it get its food?
Is a skunk that is active during the daytime rabid?
What kind of damage do skunks cause under a house?
Do skunks climb trees or fences?
Will the city or county animal services help me with a skunk issue?
Do skunks burrow underground?
Do baby or juvenile skunks spray?
Baby skunk removal
Should I feed a baby skunk I found?
How to keep skunks away from your property
Do skunks attack pets?
Do skunks attack chickens?
Do mothballs or ammonia help repel skunks?
Do all skunks have rabies?
About skunks
Are raccoons dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
Do raccoons eat or travel in packs?
Can raccoons open doors or windows?
Can raccoons jump onto houses or over fences?
How to identify raccoon tracks
How smart are raccoons?
How big do raccoons get?
Do raccoons burrow or dig holes?
Do raccoons hibernate?
Do raccoons eat mice / rats?
Do raccoons climb fences?
What to do if you are bitten by a raccoon
What attracts raccoons?
How to get rid of raccoons in the attic
Do raccoons attack people?
What does raccoon feces look like? Where is it found?
How do snakes kill their prey?
Do snakes jump?
Do snakes always inject venom when they bite?
How do snakes sleep?
How do snakes eat?
Do snakes feed their young babies?
Do snakes eat birds?
Do snakes drink water?
Do snakes dig holes?
How do snakes communicate?
Common snakes of South Carolina
Do snakes climb trees?
Do snakes chase you?
Do snakes blink?
What attracts snakes?
How to get rid of snakes in the attic
How to get rats out of the garage
Do rodents like rats and mice feel pain?
What does rat feces look like? Where is it found?
Do rodents eat insects?
Do rats eat cheese? Do they like it?
Do dogs keep rats and mice away?
Do rats dig holes?
Do rats destroy insulation in the attic?
Will a rat chew through the ceiling?
Do cats keep rats and mice away?
Can rats swim?
Do rats have bones? How can they fit in such small holes?
What if you are bitten by a rat
Do rats bite sleeping babies?
How to get a rat out of your bedroom
What attracts rats?
What do squirrels do with their tails?
How smart are squirrels?
How big do squirrels get?
Do squirrels remember where they bury nuts?
Do squirrels kill mice, rats, or birds?
How to identify squirrel tracks
What to do about a squirrel in the fireplace
What does squirrel feces look like? Where is it found?
Will a squirrel chew through the ceiling?
What attracts squirrels to your yard?
How to get rid of squirrels in the attic
Do squirrels attack or bite people?
Are squirrels ever active at night?
Will the city or county animal services help me with a wild animal issue?
Will repellents get a wild animal out of the chimney?
How to get wild animals out of the chimney
How to keep wild animals out of a chicken coop
What animals chew on electric wires?
Do animals chew on water pipes? What are the risks?
What if you are bitten by a stray cat
What is the best brand of cage trap?
What to do about a cage-shy (hard to trap) wild animal
What are some humane ways to kill a wild animal in a cage?
What is the best bait to trap a wild animal?
Are baby wild animals cute?
How do I know if there are baby wild animals in the attic?
What kind of damage do wild animals cause in an attic?
What are the most common types of animals that live in attics?
How do you know if you have a wild animal in your attic?
Do mothballs or ammonia help repel wild animals?
What should I do with a wild animal after I catch it?
Should I feed a baby wild animal I found?
Is wild animal feces dangerous to touch or breathe?
What is an exclusion barrier?
What equipment is needed to trap a wild animal?
Do wild animals have emotions?
What problems do elephants cause for people?
What are the most common types of animals that eat your pet's food?
What are the most common types of animals that eat your garden?
How do you remove a wild animal stuck in a dumpster?
What is Canine Distemper?
What are the most common types of animals that dig up the yard?
What wild animals can destroy the wood on your house?
What to do with a dead pet dog?
How to get a dead animal out of your car
Is a wild animal that is active during the daytime rabid?
How to get rid of critters in the attic
What is a conibear trap?
How do I clean wild animal feces out of my attic?
What are some ways to kill a wild animal in the yard?
What are the risks of animals chewing on electric wires?
What diseases do wild animals carry?
How to get wild animals out of a wall.
What to do about a wild animal under the porch
Is it legal for me to trap a wild animal?
How to track wild animals
What are some of the symptoms of a sick wild animal?
What does stray cat feces look like? Where is it found?
Will a high pitch sound deterrent machine repel wild animals
How to catch a wild animal with a snare pole
What is a snare pole and how to use it
What is a snare trap?
Should I ever poison a wild animal?
How to keep wild animals out from under a shed or porch
Is it safe to handle a wild animal with bare hands?
Who to call to pick up roadkill
Will repellents get a wild animal out of the attic?
How to get skunks out of window well
What do wildlife rehabilitators do with skunks?
Why do skunks spray?
Where do skunks live?
How to get skunks out from under a shed or porch
What equipment is needed to trap a skunk?
How to identify skunk tracks
Do skunks swim?
Do skunks warn before spraying?
How to protect yourself from a spraying skunk
What are some of the symptoms of a sick skunk?
How do you know if you have a skunk under your shed or porch?
Do skunks shed their fur?
Do skunks run out of spray?
Will a skunk under a shed or porch have a nest of babies?
Are skunks dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
Will a pest control company remove a skunk?
Do skunks come out during the day?
Will a rodent in the attic have a nest of babies?
Do mothballs or ammonia help repel rodents?
What should I do with a rodent after I catch it?
How big do rats get?
Do rats carry rabies?
How long does it take rats or mice to die after eating poison
Do rats hibernate?
How smart are rats?
Are rats dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
What should I do with a rodent after I catch it?
How to get rid of rats outside
How to get rats out of your car
Do rats kill mice?
What animals do rats kill?
Do rats jump?
How to get rid of rats in the attic
Humane rat traps
How to keep rodents out of my garbage
How to find and remove a dead rodent
Is rodent feces dangerous to touch or breathe?
How do I clean rodent feces out of my attic?
How to use one-way exclusion funnels to remove rodents without trapping them
What equipment is needed to trap a rodent?
How to inspect a house for rodent entry holes
How do you remove a rodent stuck in a dumpster?
What is a rodent’s natural diet?
What kind of damage do rodents cause in an attic?
Will the city or county animal services help me with a rodent issue?
Do rodents chew on wires? Why?
What can rodents chew through?
What diseases do rodents carry?
Are cage traps a good option for rodents?
What is the best bait to trap a rodent?
Will repellents get a rodent out of the attic?
How to get rodents out of the attic
Where should I relocate a trapped wild animal?
What do wildlife rehabilitators do with wild animals?
How to know if you have rabies
Do all wild animals have rabies?
How to keep wild animals away from your property
What are the most common types of animals that poop on or in buildings?
Can wild animals in the attic give your pets fleas?
Dead pet disposal cost
Will a pest control company remove a wild animal
What is Integrated Pest Management?
How to get rid of pests in the attic
How to get wild animals out of the attic
What should I do if I find an orphaned baby wild animal wandering about?
What to do about a wild animal on the roof
What is a one-way exclusion door?
Will a wild animal in the attic have a nest of babies?
What should I do if I find a nest of wild animals in the attic?
What problems do monkeys cause for people?
What do wildlife rehabilitators do with opossums?
Where do opossums live? Do more opossums live in urban areas, or wild areas?
How to identify opossum tracks
All about the opossum tail and what it is used for
How big do opossums get?
What are some of the symptoms of a sick opossum?
Where should I relocate a trapped opossum?
Should I ever poison an opossum?
Why do opossums play dead?
Will a pest control company remove an opossum?
What should I do if I find an orphaned baby opossum wandering about?
What is an opossum’s natural diet, and how does it get its food?
What is an opossum’s mating habits?
Is it legal for me to trap an opossum?
Are snakes dangerous to cats, dogs, or other pets?
Common Snakes of Pennsylvania
Do snakes come out in the rain?
Do snakes run out of venom?
Do snakes come out at night?
Common Snakes of Ohio
Common Snakes of North Carolina
How do snakes move?
Do snakes live in holes?
Common snakes of Illinois
Common Snakes of Georgia
Venomous Snakes of Georgia
Venomous Snakes of Florida
Common Snakes of Florida
Do snakes feel pain?
Common Snakes of California
Venomous Snakes of California
Common Snakes of Arizona
What should I do if I find an orphaned baby skunk wandering about?
What is a skunk’s mating habits?
What if a skunk got inside my house?
Should I hire a pro, or remove skunks myself?
Will a high pitch sound deterrent machine work against skunks?
Do skunks make good pets?
How to keep skunks out of my garden
How to keep skunks out of my garbage cans
How to find and remove a dead skunk
Do skunks fight each other?
How to use one-way exclusion funnels to remove skunks
What should I do if I find a nest of rodents in the attic?
What is a rodent’s mating habits?.
Is it legal for me to trap a rodent?
Will homeowners insurance pay for rodent damage?
What if a rodent got inside my house, bedroom, kitchen, etc.
What are some humane ways to kill a rodent?
Should I hire a pro, or remove rodents myself?
Do rodents make good pets?
An analysis of inhumane glue traps for rodents
How to keep rodents out of my garden
How to get rid of mold in the attic
How to keep wild animals out of my garden
How to keep wild animals out of your house
How to keep wild animals out of my garbage cans
What if a wild animal got inside my house, bedroom, kitchen, etc.
The common snakes of Virginia
Venomous Snakes of North Carolina
Venomous snakes of Illinois
Venomous Snakes of Texas
Common Snakes of Texas
How do snakes smell their environment?
What does a snake skin look like? Where is it found?
How big do snakes get?
How do snakes produce venom?
Venomous snake vs poisonous snake
Do bats migrate?
Do bats avoid light?
What is White Nose Syndrome?
Do bats drink water? How?
Can bats walk on the ground?
Do bats hibernate?
What if you are bitten by a bat
How many bugs per night do bats eat?
Do raccoons live in trees or sleep in trees?
Do raccoons attack cats, dogs, or other pets?
Do raccoons use tools?
Do raccoons swim?
Do raccoons come out in the rain?
What can rodents climb?
How to get rodents out of a wall
Do more rodents live in urban areas, or wild areas?
What to do about a trap-shy rodent
Will a strobing light or high pitch sound deterrent machine work on rodent?
What are the types of rodent snap traps?
What are some of the symptoms of a sick rodent?
Will homeowner’s insurance pay for wild animal damage?
Should I hire a pro, or remove wild animals myself?
What is Goose Egg Addling?
Do wild animals make good pets?
What is a foothold trap?
Life cycle of fly on dead carcass
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