Should I feed a baby skunk I
Human beings love
to care for wild and stray animals. The cat that
wanders the neighborhood but has not real home
can probably go to any one of four houses on
your block and find a saucer of milk or some
pieces of chicken out on the back porch for it
get a snack. The baby birds that lost their
mother find a parent in the kid who whips
together a concoction that provides the
nourishment it needs so that it grows strong is
ready to fly off on its own.
There is something that seems instinctual in
human beings that makes them want to care for
wild animals and to help them so that they are
able to survive and even thrive. Everyone seems
to have a story of how they have helped the poor
wild animal and this makes them feel so much
better to know that they have done this.
But what about the baby skunk that is wandering
near your home. This is a wild animal as well,
but do you really want to spend your time caring
for an animal like this? Your answer should be
emphatically no.
Let’s start with the first thing to consider.
What happens when you start to feed any kind of
wild animal? They keep coming back for food. If
an animal knows that it can find food someplace,
even one or two times, it will keep coming back
to their looking for food over and over. It is
just natural.
So, ask yourself if you want a baby skunk
returning to your home to get food each day?
While it may be cute as a baby, someday it is
going to grow up and then you have to ask
yourself if you want an adult skunk around your
property at all. If that skunk is startled at
any point by you, your family member or your pet
they are going to be sprayed and you sure don’t
want to try to clean up from that. Even if you
or your family don’t startle it, if another
animal does so it will spray and you will have
that smell on your property for days if not
weeks. There is just no way that this is good.
It is common to want to help the wild animal,
especially babies, but you have to control your
instinct to be a nice person. These animals are
dangerous for other reasons, including the fact
that they carry diseases and parasites, and if
you keep allowing that animal to return to your
property you are endangering your animals by
exposing them to these parasites. That is not an
option you can afford to allow to happen. You
just can’t!
Read more: Skunk
Control, how to
kill skunks.