There are many different kinds of traps out there that you may be quite familiar with. The snare trap is probably the most familiar to you, especially if you are a fan of action movies or Westerns. These kinds of traps are used in the lasso that cowboys and cowgirls used to trap horses were captured desperados by throwing the rope over the animal or person, pulling back on the rope so that the noose tightens, and then hauling the animal or person in.
For those who watch action movies, you have probably seen this kind of trap used as a way to capture someone who is chasing after the hero of the movie. The snare is set on the ground below, and when a person steps in it they trigger a mechanism that causes the rope to wrap around their leg and pull them up so they are upside down hanging from a tree. It looks like a very effective trap for sure.
While this kind of trap may seem quite common to you, there is one that really has only been around for about 60 years. That is the conibear trap. If that name doesn’t sound familiar to you, don’t be surprised. Many are unfamiliar with this primarily because the purpose of this trap is often the termination of whatever animal it captures.
The trap consists of two metal squares which are designed to open and close much like a pair of scissors. This means that there are screws on either side of the two metal pieces that are hinged together much like you would see in a pair of scissors. This allows the trap to open and close fairly easily.
In the middle is a spring that is used as the trigger mechanism to the trap. When an animal steps into the trap and triggers the spring, it causes the trap to close quickly, keeping the animal from being able to escape. On the other end of the chain that is attached to the trap, is a loop that can be hooked to a tree, rock, or even into the ground so that the chain cannot be pulled free in the animal able to run off with the trap. This keeps your animal in place and ensures that it cannot get away.
Why this is often used as a trap of termination, is because the design of it provides such force that it usually crushes the head, neck, or back of the animal that it captures. In addition, some of these traps contain metal spikes that are attached to the metal pieces. When they close, the spikes puncture through the animal, instantaneously killing it in most instances.
It is because of the gruesome nature of this trap that many choose to not use it. However, if you are facing a pesky animal that is a potential health hazard to you and your family, you may find that this is the perfect choice to terminate your raccoon, beaver, or possum problem.
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Florida Wildlife Control