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Animal Capture & Removal

Exclusion Barriers

Damage Repair

Property Services

Noises In Walls or Attic

Digging in Your Yard


Odor Control

Dead Animal Removal


Animal Capture and Removal

  • Only the nuisance animals are targeted!
  • Quick and humane removal!
EXAMPLE: Catch and remove raccoons from attic.

Florida animal control: Wildlife capture and removal is of course, an essential part of nuisance wildlife control. While most people appreciate nature, they do not always appreciate the destruction of property, disturbance of peace, or health risks that wild animals in and around the home cause. The goal of A24/7 Wildlife Removal is to quickly and humanely eliminate the animals causing the problems. The goal is not to eliminate every animal in the neighborhood, just the target ones causing you the headaches. For example, if a raccoon is living in your chimney, 24/7 Wildlife Removal will not set traps on the ground, which may catch any number of non-target raccoons or other animals. 24/7 Wildlife Removal will go right for the target animals in the chimney. There is no area 24/7 Wildlife Removal can't reach. I have dealt with all animals in all situations, and am aware of the proper methods of capturing the target animals only. Once captured, the animals will be released at an approved area far from the capture site, or euthanized in a humane manner, as the situation dictates.

Click here for pictures of raccoon trapping and removal.


  • Make sure those animals can't get back in!
  • Exclusion barriers guaranteed for five years!
EXAMPLE: Install heavy gauge wire mesh around perimeter of deck (and into the ground).

The capture and removal of nuisance animals in the home is only half of the problem. If the entryway to the house is not found, a new animal will take the old one's place. This is particularly true of the spaces under porches, decks, and sheds. These areas provide ideal habitat for a number of animals. 24/7 Wildlife Removal can make sure that no animals invade your space again. Our exclusion barriers are built to last, and are 100% effective at keeping unwanted critters from getting back in.

Click here for pictures of an exclusion barrier around a deck.

Click here for pictures of an exclusion barrier in an attic vent.

Click here for pictures of an exclusion barrier in a porch roof/soffit gap.

WARRANTY: If any animal gets past an 24/7 Wildlife Removal exclusion barrier, 24/7 Wildlife Removal will catch the animals and repair the damage for free.

Damage Repairs

EXAMPLE: Close up a hole in a side vent that squirrels have chewed through.

Animals can do a surprising amount of damage to your home. Whether it be the chewing of rodents, the removal of screening by a raccoon, the droppings of a colony of bats, or the digging of an armadillo, 24/7 Wildlife Removal can fix the damage, and eliminate the source of the problem. Be aware that all rodents chew -including electrical wires- a potential fire hazard.

Property Services

  • Make sure your land is for humans only!
EXAMPLE: Alter the habitat that attracts snakes and apply snake repellant.

24/7 Wildlife Removal will work with residential owners and managers of condominiums, apartment buildings, church and school grounds, etc. to pest proof affected areas, secure livestock from predation, provide Canada goose control, control of digging animals in cemeteries, etc. This often involves habitat modification to make your property, once an attractive home to wildlife, less prone to pests.

Noises in Walls or Attic

  • Live in peace and quiet!
EXAMPLE: Inspect attic for animal sign, take appropriate trapping measures, and fix the entry points.

One of the most common complaints involving nuisance wildlife is the noise they can produce in a home. Many home owners may be unaware that they even have an unwanted visitor in their home if not for the noise. Certain animals may spend their time crawling around (and doing other things) in their newfound home (your attic, soffits, walls, garage, etc.). The scurrying scratching, chewing, or vocal noise that you hear may be most unwelcome, particularly from nocturnal animals. The primary culprits are raccoons, squirrels, rats, and mice, but other creatures may be at work. Give me a call, and I will identify the source of the noise, as well the means by which the animals are entering the structure. Get the problem fixed, and you will sleep better at night!

Digging in Your Yard

  • Protect your turf and foundations!
EXAMPLE: Find and remove the culprits digging a large burrow under your pool deck.

You may notice one day that a large hole has appeared under your deck, next to your house, under a shrub, or anywhere on your property. Or perhaps you notice dozens of small holes ruining your nice landscaping. This is the work of the ever-busy Florida Armadillo. If you have armadillos ruining your property, or worse, undermining the foundation to your deck, I will come and trap and remove the offenders, and then install steel mesh underground to keep any future armadillos from finding and digging in those same spots.

Emergency Service

  • 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
EXAMPLE: A frantic animal (squirrel, raccoon, bat, etc.) has entered your house and can't get out.

Some nuisance wildlife situations can be classified as emergencies. This includes exposure to potentially dangerous animals, such as rabid raccoons or poisonous snakes. Some people carry phobias toward certain animals as well, and may consider a sudden unwelcome visit by a bat, for example, as an emergency. Or perhaps an animal is loose in your house and causing damage. If you are in an emergency situation, I can come at any time, day or night, as quickly as possible.

Odor Control

  • Elimination of animal odors from a variety or sources!
EXAMPLE: A skunk has discharged its glands under your front porch.

Nuisance animals cause odor problems in a variety of ways. Their excrement is a primary source of odor problems, and often quite noticeable if an animal has taken up residence somewhere in your home. Animal carcasses are another source of odor. Skunks present a whole other dimension in odor problems. I can identify the source of animal odors, and eliminate both the current source of the odor (for example, excrement removal) and the underlying cause (the animal's entry into your home). This work may be covered by homeowners insurance.

Dead Animal Removal

  • Leave the dirty work to us!
Click here for pictures of the removal of a dead raccoon from inside a house.

EXAMPLE: You smell a dead animal somewhere in your attic.

Dead animals attract all matter of vermin and disease, not to mention new nuisance animals which wish to feed on the carcass. Of course, the smell and sight are also offensive. If an animal has died on your property and you do not wish to dispose of it yourself due to health concerns or other reasons, I can remove it for you and dispose of it in a proper manner for a small service fee. If the dead animal(s) is within the architecture of your house I can find its location and remove it. This may involve some dismantling, for example, the removal of drywall behind which a dead carcass is located. Charges for animal removal within houses varies depending upon the difficulty of the removal. Describe your problem in detail, and I can provide an estimate.

Select Wildlife
Stray cats


© 2003-2008 24/7 Wildlife Removal   |  Phone: (407) 538-1694   |  Fax: (407) 264-8890   |  Fully Licensed & Insured   |  Operating 24 hours/day 7 days/week