Just Brakes
9834 E. Colonial Dr.
Orlando, FL 32825

On the afternoon of Friday, May 07 2004, I visited and inspected the Just Brakes facility at 9834 E. Colonial Drive in Orlando. I carefully inspected the structure, and observed the infestation of pigeons and their relation to the building, including roosting and nesting areas. The infestation is extensive and serious, involving a high number of birds and droppings. Below is a custom tailored plan to solve your pigeon problem, including several recommendations and options.

All work will be performed by AAAnimal Control, a fully licensed and insured wildlife control company.

Description of Problem
Pigeons are using many parts of the building for roosting and nesting purposes. The highest pressure is in the soffit areas surrounding the perimeter of the building. The birds are flying into the soffit and nesting within (figure 2). They are also roosting on, and in some cases nesting on, the steel support beams (figures 3 & 4). They leave their droppings all over, particularly below the heavily used soffit areas (figure 5).

Risks Involved with Pigeon Infestation
Pigeons can be carriers of diseases that are responsible for respiratory ailments, viral infections, and food poisoning. They also cause considerable physical damage by defacing a building with their droppings and nesting material. This is caused primarily by the high uric acid content of their droppings, which can eat through paint, metal, and other substantial materials. Droppings and nesting material can also clog the drains leading from your roof. The high amount of droppings not only poses a biohazard, but it is unsightly and unclean to customers (figure 1).


1. Cleaning
To remove the possible health risk present at your site, we will thoroughly disinfect problem areas, remove nesting material, and eliminate unhealthy parasites. The areas we will treat include the soffit areas in which the birds have been roosting, and the areas below where droppings have accumulated.
2. Trapping
In order to relieve the high pressure posed by the large number of birds, AAAnimal Control offers a trapping program to physically capture and remove present birds. This is accomplished through the use of traps. See (figure 6) for an example of previous commercial pigeon trapping by AAAnimal Control.
3. Abatement
This is the most important step. AAAnimal Control will prevent the birds from gaining access to the structure. There are several options available, as outlined in the proposals below.

Cleaning and decontamination: all accumulated droppings on the ground will be physically removed via scraping and vacuuming. These areas will be treated with a bleach solvent. The areas in the soffits will be sprayed with BioShield, a solution that breaks down and decontaminates organic matter, and is highly effective on urine and droppings.
Bird Spike 2001: In order to prevent birds from roosting on heavily used beam areas, special spikes may be installed on these areas. The spikes simply prevent the birds from landing or walking on the areas treated. This proposal only recommends the installation of spikes on heavily used areas, near the support beams. The cost of installing Bird Spike 2001 on every beam is prohibitive.
Stealth Net: The most radical and effective solution is the complete exclusion of all pigeons from the structure via the use of a giant net stretched tight over the entire area, creating a "false ceiling" which completely blocks access to all the steel beams and soffit areas. The size of the area is 88' x 50' (figures 7 & 8). The only drawback to this solution is that it blocks access to the fluorescent lights above. Only in the case of Stealth Net can we guarantee that no birds will enter the area. However, the other options will dramatically reduce their presence.

Pigeon Abatement Options and Pricing

Cleaning and decontamination 850.00
Trapping and removal (14 consecutive days) 700.00
Exclude all birds from soffit areas and seal all entry points 800.00
Install bird spike 2001 on high pressure areas of beams 50.00 labor 285.00 materials 17.10 tax
Install stealth net to create false ceiling for entire structure 2500.00 labor 1150.00 materials 69.00 tax

Example Option 1 - Minimum
A minimum solution would be just the exclusion of the birds from the areas of the highest roosting pressure - the soffits - and the sealing of all of those areas, to ensure that no more pigeons are able to enter these areas. This will dramatically reduce the appeal of the building to the birds, who will lose their primary nesting area, and will cut down on total birds and droppings significantly. Total cost: $800
Example Option 2 - Moderate
A good moderate solution would include the exclusion of the birds from the soffits, and the sealing of those areas ($800) plus cleaning and decontamination of all areas where droppings and nesting material are present ($850), plus the installation of bird spikes on high pressure steel beam roosting areas to further deter birds from roosting and leaving droppings ($652.10). Total cost: $2302.10
Example Option 3 - Maximum
The maximum solution involves installing stealth net across the entire structure, creating a false ceiling, which would prevent any pigeons from gaining access to any part of the facility. The cost of this procedure is 3719.00 Cleaning is also recommended at $850, and trapping of pigeons to reduce pressure and presence around the facility is an additional $700. Total cost: $5269.00

Please look over these treatment options, and select a plan that fits your budget. At the absolute minimum, I recommend that you exclude the birds from the soffit areas and have those areas sealed against further re-entry. I also very strongly recommend cleaning and decontamination.

This proposal includes a 1-year workmanship and 5-year materials guarantee for the designated areas of installation. This guarantee is only for pigeons and larger birds. Should the installation and treatment become non-effective due to the failure of the installation, repairs, or materials used, then AAAnimal Control will remedy the situation at no extra charge. All damage from natural disasters, vandalism, or negligence are not covered under this warrantee.

Upon determining which plan you desire and authorizing the work described, we will require an initial payment of 50% of the total investment agreed upon, before any work can begin. The remaining balance is due 30 calendar days after completion.

I look forward to hearing from you and solving the pigeon problem at Just Brakes.

David Seerveld
AAAnimal Control

Figure 1 - Accumulated droppings.

Figure 2 - Pigeons living in the soffits.

Figure 3- Pigeons roosting on steel beams.

Figure 4 - Pigeons nesting on steel beams.

Figure 6 - Example of trapping done by AAAnimal Control.

Figure 7 - Front of facility.

Figure 8 - Side of facility.

Click here for my bird and pigeon photo galleries.

For more bird control information, go back to the Orlando pigeon and bird control page.

If you don't live in Orlando FL, click here for the National Directory of Wildlife Trappers.